Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Spring has Sprung. We welcomed one last snap of cold air this week. It was nice to have a final taste of cool weather before the humidity starts to melt us all. History tells us that we usually get a cold front right before Easter.

We have some very exciting news!! Austin made it into LaVille School of the Arts for his vocals. This is a real opportunity for him to develop his voice and to be creative. Austin and I have been very busy over the last couple of weeks. He was on Spring Break and spent the entire week with grandma and grandpa. I think he enjoyed being able to spend quality time with them, especially grandpa. It rained everyday, but they were able to make it out for a couple of hours each day. I think grandpa is starting to get some serious cabin fever. I know I would.

I spent a few days out in Salt Lake City visiting my bestfriend Kara. It was funny leaving our 70 degree weather and arriving in snow, but I enjoyed it. We did a lot of shopping and catching up. One of my requests was that we drive past the apartments Austin and lived in while in SLC. My how things have changed. I also had to make a trip through Big Cotton Wood - it was one of my favorite canyons. Austin and I would go sleding and hiking in that canyon. As a matter of fact we even encounter a Moose one Spring.
We also joined the YMCA in hopes of keeping us active. Austin isn't old enough to actually work out yet (he has to be 12) but is able to do cardio, swim, kids fitness and basketball. It is a nice facility that is located downtown and on the river. I'll keep everyone posted on our fitness goals.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is Austin

How you all doing? Austin here yeah it was really annoying and I got :( so I am handling it fine he has stopped.not.anyway leave a post by

My aha moment

I know. I know. It's been since Christmas...well here goes:

Pretty much everything is the same. Austin has FCAT's this week and has been heading to bed at me when I tell you he hates it. He's eating me out of house and home and enjoying every minute of it. He is like clockwork...wake up...snack...right after lunch...snack...8:00 p.m. snack...and then he needs mini snacks between all of that.

He has also started experiencing school bully's (blah) however, I must tell you how proud I am of how he is handling it. Here come my aha moment....middle school is are mean...even meaner now. I just pray everyday for him and like I said, thankfully he has such a sweet spirit that it doesn't faze him much.

I'm working hard and trying to make every day worth while. We've been trying super duper hard to make it to church EVERY week. Once again another aha moment. With Austin turning 12 and dad being sick there's no better time than the present. You all know it's been a personal struggle of mine, but this time is different. Consider yourselves lucky if you've never been inactive and try to become active. I consider myself lucky to have the family I do. They have always accepted me and have always wanted the best for Austin and me. It's been easier with the help of them. I love you guys!!

Then there is dad. I just love him so. It's not something I'm able to talk about so we will all just continue to pray for him and mom...that's all I can say right now.

Here are some random picture to enjoy.